Featuring 140,000 square feet of insulated wall panels for the building envelope, Lafarge’s Insulcore wall panels work seamlessly with the structural steel design, offering a durable, energy-efficient, modular system with excellent thermal mass and fire resistance.
Precast insulated wall panels were chosen primarily due to MTE’s previous positive experiences with them. The panels were manufactured off-site and delivered on a “just in time” basis, ensuring project timelines were met efficiently and the construction site remained free and clear for efficient site works Panel shipments were meticulously coordinated between Lafarge and the general contractor, allowing the installation to be completed in just over a month.
Production for the 470 panels (10′ wide, 37′ high, and 9″ thick with an R-value of R15) began well in advance at our Edmonton facility to guarantee a continuous supply once the erection crew mobilized. Close collaboration between the Lafarge project management team and the general contractor ensured that field and production schedules aligned perfectly.
This building will feature 51 dock doors and 3 drive-through doors and will benefit from a combined contributions from Lafarge’s Ready Mix and Pipe divisions as well.