Interlocking Concrete blocks Edmonton
Looking for Precast Concrete Interlocking Concrete blocks in Edmonton? Here at Lafarge Precast Edmonton we produce concrete blocks which we call "Lafarge Blocks" that can be utilized to not only form retaining walls but also to segregate and form basic storage areas at your location. At our Lafarge Precast Edmonton facility we produce a variety of concrete block designs, ranging from regular interlocking blocks to flat top blocks, these concrete block designs come in regular and single size options to accommodate the varying needs of your project.
Our Lafarge concrete blocks are used in retaining walls all over Edmonton, Alberta and Western Canada by a wide variety of clients, ranging from small business owners who require a handful of blocks to complete a small retaining wall project, to major contractors and clients who purchase thousands per year for huge projects or developments.
Our typical Lafarge concrete blocks are produced utilizing a variety of concrete mix designs and are not subject to a quality control trace, however upon request we can produce specified Lafarge concrete blocks with attributed mix strengths and quality control trace records, in this situation the production process is thoroughly inspected by our quality control team to ensure that the concrete blocks are produced in accordance with the specific engineered drawings. In accordance with our CPCI certification all specified concrete blocks are tested prior to pouring to ensure they meet the project criteria, similarly prior to stripping and shipping the cylinders taken during pre-pour testing process are tested to ensure they meet the appropriate level of strength.
For more information regarding interlocking concrete blocks:
Contact: Larry Johnson
Lafarge Precast Edmonton, Standard Product Sales