Due to changes mandated by Environment Canada, TECK Mining required a new building for the storage and mixing of various ores before smelting at their Trail, BC operation. The building dimensions were 200 meters by 60 meters, with an overall height of 21 meters. Initially, the design called for cast-in-place (CIP) concrete; however, TECK expressed concerns about costs, schedule, and onsite safety requirements for crews large enough to complete such an extensive scope
In response, the general contractor consulted Lafarge, and we proposed an innovative precast solution that utilized our existing containment wall panel system as a 6-meter structural wall for the new building. The precast containment walls were cast in advance of the construction start and installed by Lafarge’s field crews. The remaining 15 meters of metal and fabric structure was designed to bear directly on the precast, ensuring stability and efficiency throughout the construction process.
This approach effectively addressed all of TECK’s concerns, resulting in $2 million in direct savings compared to the CIP option, a 75% reduction in onsite manpower, and a four-month cut to the construction schedule. This project underscores the significant advantages of precast concrete in optimizing cost, efficiency, and safety in large-scale construction projects.